Starting the last 5 days of our adventure with a lot of momentum. Averaging on some days 20 miles and feeling great! Weather is still hit and miss on the rain and storms but that has not gotten our spirits down...only a "little" wet :).
There were dozens of great places we saw and experienced but near Mt. Rogers in Virgina was defintely in the top 5. Below are some great shots we took.
We camped in a wide variety of place but this spot was unique as we shoe-horned our tents in and around the heavily wooded trees. Almost seemed like the trees were going to come to life at time! in the "Wizard of Oz".....yes i am old enough to know the film and to have watched it dozens of time :)
2 other big highlights durning the last few days of our hike were; hitting the 500 mile marker! AND hiking thru Grayson Highland State Park with the great views and the feral ponies and horses.
After 3 weeks on the trail MacGyver and I felt emboldened to join a Bad Ass Hiker Gang, which brother Fred labeled, “Sons Of Arthritis”. And the initiation was to eat one of those orange lizards we saw a lot of!
Latest comments
27.09 | 17:20
Hi Possum! MacGyver and I finished up on Sept.7th with 351 miles in this year. False alarm on MacGyver taking ill. He was dehydrated but recovered in about 2 days. Was great to meet you this year!
27.09 | 17:16
Hey Pinnacle! Great to meet and hike with you also! And great advice on the next section we did. Thanks!
06.09 | 16:10
Great meeting you and your Brother at Eagles nest.
06.09 | 16:07
It was great meeting you and brother at Eagles nest