"My Adventures started a long time ago!"
And how could I forget my whitewater rafting days!
And there have been a few more adventures in-between and throughout the years but I digress. This blog, in the beginning, will focus on mine and Kens next section hike of the AT. BTW, a shoutout to Robert Hickman for planting the seed of hiking the AT. See you on the trail soon! (and anyone else that possesses that adventurous spirit!....and you know who you are!). Our first section started at Springer Mountain, Georgia last year to “test our resolve and ability”. Check out that page. I think we passed.
So now the journey continues...June 21, 2018!! Oh.. BTW June 21st is Kens Birthday! 58 years young!
11+ miles first day. Stayed in a hostel due to storm. Second day has started. Hope to get another 11 miles in today. Mores storms coming in this afternoon.
“This is Hyking Vyking and his grandson Fire fly. Ran in to them last night. What about you Parker, Joseph and Dominic joining me some day?😊. Better start working on your trail names! And equal opportunity because we don’t want to leave out Little Bit, Little Lizzie and Ladybug! You already have your trail names😊”
Ken and I were promoted to doctors at the hostel today. Doctor of trailology!
As mentioned, 8 days in. Hiked a heavy 17 miles yesterday and 12 miles today to get to Franklin at a reasonable time. Considering a 0 day tomorrow to do laundry, fix blisters, rashes and other assorted things related to the hike. And to get a new sleeping pad. It blew out 4 days ago. But will assess later tonight. As mentioned, cell service is few and far between but will keep the photos and commentary (thru Ang😊) as often as we can. Squeak left our group and the trail today. He has completed his goal.
Ya gotta love it😊. Joseph, your frog would fit in well here! Ate at a catfish place in Franklin, NC last night. Really friendly people. We were walking into town looking for a pharmacy (needed some bug bite meds) and we stopped to ask directions from this elderly couple and they offered to drive me where ever I needed and also waited for me to drive me back. Thanks to my new friend Bill!
Sorry for going dark for so long on updating the blog. We have not been able to upload anything the last several days due to no/low cell service and a glitch in the Blog software. Still working on that but i will keep pushing to keep on updating our adventures! The posts from this point down are actually in reverse chronological order (current to previous). I am also working on adding new pages separate from this front page focused on different topics. Also note that in some images posted, they are actually slide shows, highlighting multiple photos. I hope you continue to enjoy seeing and reading about the escapades of MacGyver and Survivor on the AT!
The AT is marked with White Blazes to let you know where you are but suddenly yesterday we came across these Gold Blazes. Puzzling.....so we theorized we were on the "Willy Wonka Trail"! And these Blazes were the Golden Tickets to the wonderful world of trail chocolate and the Umpa Lumpas!! So we started taking these "golden tickets" with us :).
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Hi Possum! MacGyver and I finished up on Sept.7th with 351 miles in this year. False alarm on MacGyver taking ill. He was dehydrated but recovered in about 2 days. Was great to meet you this year!
Hey Pinnacle! Great to meet and hike with you also! And great advice on the next section we did. Thanks!
Great meeting you and your Brother at Eagles nest.
It was great meeting you and brother at Eagles nest